Petri Räisänen workshop 27-29/9 2024

Petri håller sin årliga workshop på Yoga by i september under 2024.





Ekerö September 27 – 29 2024

Friday 27th

06.00-08:00  Mysore style

17:00-19:00 Led Primary Series (with traditional vinyasa counting)

19:15-20:30 Introduction: Workshop opening chanting, pranayama and meditation

Saturday 28th

07.00-09:00 or 09.00-11:00 Mysore style

14:00-15.30 Workshop: Positive and healing mantras. 

There are many kind of mantras available. In this class we will be chanting mantras which has a healing focus and connection to the life creating elements.

15:45-17.00 Workshop: Lengthening the body – how to create a maximum length for the limbs in the asanas. Asana techniques, tips and hands on adjustments.

Originally a bone setting techniques (a healing method) called ”limb lengthening”, which Petri modified for asana adjustments to create a

maximum length for limbs. This will not only take you to the next level in the asana, but also release the tensions and pains from the body. In this workshop we are practicing how to find the space in a gentle and safe, but effective ways.

Sunday 29th

07.00-09:00 or 09.00-11:00 Mysore style

13.00-14.30 Workshop

Back and hip therapy exercises

Petri will introduce some healing and injury preventive back and hip exercises which anyone can start to do besides the Ashtanga practice. We are using Ashtanga asanas and special therapy techniques to strengthen and stretch the body.

14.45-15:15 Workshop closing circle




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Du kan välja bland följande alternativ:

Full workshop: fredag-söndag, 3 klasser samt 3 föreläsningar:  3100:-

Endast lördag och söndag: 2 klasser samt 3 föreläsningar: 2700:-

Endast mysore fredag-söndag: 1600:-

Enstaka mysore/ledd klass:  550:-


För klasser på fredag kan du välja starttid 6.00 mysore eller 17.00 ledd klass

För mysore på lördag och söndag kan du välja starttid 7.00 eller 9.00